

Heard of the “Retiree Syndrome”?

Itchy rashes, depression, pounding headaches, stomach ulcers… many older couples are developing these and other stress-related medical issues by the score.

It’s called “retiree syndrome.”

The name might sound laughable, but the issues behind the name are serious for any couple facing retirement.

Many psychologists point to retirement as one of the most stressful life events a couple can face. Married couples entering retirement may not know what to do with their free time, how to manage their new lifestyle, or how to balance household chores and responsibilities.

Adding to that stress is a big decision all retirees face: stay in the family home, relocate to a smaller home in a new area or move into a Retirement Village.

Moving consistently ranks as one of the most stressful life events people face (along with death of a loved one and divorce) so it makes sense to choose wisely. After all, it will likely be your last home so you want to get something that is easy to maintain and offers a lifestyle you can enjoy for as many years as you have left.

The family home is most likely already too big for your needs and as the years go by it will require more and more expensive maintenance. As you grow older it may also present some issues if, as is usually the case, your mobility decreases. Add to this the fact that your neighbourhood demographics are constantly changing which could see you as one of the few seniors left amongst a sea of considerably younger owners and tenants.

Relocating to a smaller home has some advantages but you will have to pay Stamp Duty on your purchase, ever increasing Council and Water Rates, you would be responsible for your own maintenance and there is still the issue of being surrounded by younger generations of owners and tenants. 

So, why not consider a move to a Retirement Village? The following points are really worth thinking about if you are looking for a comfortable, stress free and affordable retirement lifestyle.

  • No Stamp Duty on your purchase
  • One monthly fee that covers Council and Water Rates, the maintenance of your home and appliances, gardening and lawn mowing, insurance and the full use of the extensive facilities offered in the Community Centre
  • A community of fellow Seniors providing the opportunity to enjoy shared interests and meet new friends

There’s lots more to learn so why not give Kelvin Gilder a call on (02) 60258409 for an obligation free discussion on the benefits of Retirement Village Living.



Kelvin Gilder – Sales Manager

690 Logan Road, Albury NSW 2640

Phone Sales: 02 6025 8409 Sales enquiries only

Phone Office: 02 6040 2807 village management enquiries only

Email: sales@humeretirementresort.com.au


Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday: by appointment
Sunday: by appointment